

Ethnologues en Herbe is a Paris based association gathering social anthropologists, photographs and multimedia specialists ( Dedicated to education and training to foster knowledge ans respect of cultural diversity, it  has developed since 2000  various pedagogical tools and workshops based upon the ethnographical method in contemporary social anthropology.  Led by social anthropologists, the workshops adress key-questions as cultural practices, gender,  living together,  etc. EEH also developed  specific workshops around cultural heritages to foster links between society museums and schools. The association works regularly in suburban areas around Paris and Marseille and in schools and colleges welcoming migrants. It trains volunteers, teachers and cultural mediators.


Cases of use of the anthropological approach in civic, cultural or intercultural education:

“Learn the language, learn the city” – urban ethnography workshop.
Through the method of participative cartography, the participants are led to materialize their daily journeys in their neighborhood as the workshor goes along. During the outings, they record each other in turns about their journeys, Along the survey, they take pictures and write short essays.

“Treasures of everyday life” – an ethnography workshop on the cultural heritages of a neighborhood.
The workhsop offers the youth an opportunity to explore their neighborhood, looking for the diversity in cultural customs, and in artistic traditions in the course of a field survey. Collected elements are organised so that participants can create exhibition boards, online exhibition of the Ethnogues en Herbe  Assosiation’s website:

“Jobs in the city” – an ethnography workshop.
This workshop seeks to trigger the pupils curiosity about the jobs in their district, teach them about the methods of field survey; and reinforce the learning processes and transverse abilities.

“Gender in everyday life” –  – an ethnography workshop.
Six two-hours session in junior-schools aim to introduce the notion of gender and raise the youths awareness on how this notion expresses itself in everyday life. They are acquainted with the method of field survey.

Description of EEH 2013-2014 projects [doc]


Chantal Deltenre

Born in Belgium in 1956, Chantal Deltenre is director of the French association Ethnologues en Herbe.

She is expert for different international institutions in the field of cultural diversity and also writer.

She founded the association « Ethnologues en Herbe » (Ethnokids/ in 2000. Gathering social anthropologists, artists and multimedia specialists, the association is based in Paris, Marseille and Brussels. It conducts workshops in schools and give trainings for teachers and professionals in the cultural field.  It promotes the use the specific method of social anthropology, i.e. ethnographical fieldwork in nowadays environments and cultures, in order for participants to develop a new look on their daily cultural practices and become familiar with the techniques of observation, description and questioning of this social science. The aim of the association is to promote education to cultural diversity and diversity of heritages, foster intercultural dialog and struggle against stereotypes and prejudgments. The association currently conducts workshops in the educational field in France, Belgium and Switzerland and West Africa.  It works together with European Social Fund, Ministry of Education, Agence de la Francophonie and numerous foundations.

Chantal Deltenre is director of the association since 2000, except between 2004 and 2006 when she joined UNESCO for the preparation of the International Convention for protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. She is also expert for OIF in the field of digital culture. Before that, she has been working for private television and publishing companies in France and Belgium.

She is currently novelist, author for children books and she directs a collection of books about travelling.

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